X Theatre In Italy

Kings & Queens- A History of England in 45 mins!

Newton Juggles Physics

Audience: Elementary and Middle Schools

Subjects: English & History

Duration: 45 minutes

Kings and Queens is a rollercoaster ride through the history of England as seen through the eyes of its most infamous monarchs.

From the original inhabitants of the British Isles, the Celts, and the domination of the Roman Empire to interviews with Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth, the show immerses the audience in the history of probably the most powerful empire in human history!

The students are directly involved in the show as participants who help to bring to life these fascinating characters and captivate the audience right up to the breath-taking finale!

Technical Information:
All of our shows are very flexible and designed to be performed in non-conventional theatre spaces- they can be performed in any large room or gym, depending on the size of the audience.

Show Info Table

For further information, please get in contact.