Theatre In Italy

Coming Soon!!!

Cover art by Tom Campbell
currently in development.

Class Clown:
Fooling them into learning

A practical guide for the use of theatrical clown in effectively teaching foreign languages.

Forget the big top, loud wigs and oversized shoes. This is the story of one man's journey through the worlds of clown and education and specifically, the unlikely place where both disciplines overlap: school!

Over 60 games and exercises
specifically for language teaching:

Classroom games and exercises
Language-focussed theatre exercises
Theatre sketches for various language levels

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"Engaging and exciting"
  -Scuola Media,
Tarquinia VT

"An explosion!"
  -Scuola media,
Capalbio GR

"Un Interactive"
  -Scuola Elementare,
Capalbio GR

"He manages to constantly keep the students' attention."
  -Scuola Media,
Rufina FI


Designed for elementary and middle schools, all performances are interactive, highly energetic and contain language specifically tailored for young Italian audiences.


These workshops are designed to suit the needs of the group involved.
From absolute beginners with no English experience whatsoever, to the more confident who want to explore the language in a theatrical context.

Regardless of the structure, the environment created is always the same: an exciting place where students can explore and learn as part of a group.


Theatre Workshops

Dynamic English Lab

An innovative new method for teaching English in the classroom.

The Dynamic English Lab is an entirely new concept, designed to make the learning process exciting, original and most importantly, enjoyable.

Part English lesson, part performance and part theatre workshop, the Dynamic English Lab is a creative and playful environment where the students are compelled to use their intellect and reasoning, helping each other in an atmosphere where mistakes result in amusement and not a sense of failure and embarrassment.

Dynamic English Lab

Summer Camps

The "Arts In English" Summer Camp has as its principal focus the introduction of the participants to the English language through direct contact with native speaking tutors. The camp is structured between English lessons and creative activities which give the participants the opportunity to experience the use of English in a practical, every-day context. The native-speaking tutors are all qualified in their own artistic field and have many years of experience of working with young people.


Summer Camp
Summer Camp


About Cathal Carroll
Cathal Carroll

is an Irish-born actor and circus performer with 17 years' experience in the field of performance.

Since he began his career in 2000 he has performed in a wide variety of creative situations from circus festivals to Shakespearian theatre. His career has brought him to 14 countries in 4 continents and has seen him performing a variety of shows in 4 different languages.

In this time he has also worked as a circus and theatre tutor with young people and adults in a wide variety of settings from formal circus training to cross-community projects with sectarian groups in Northern Ireland.

More recently he has turned his hand to the craft of teaching English and now works to combine this new passion with his first love- performance!
Read his CV.

Contact us

+39 333 1871423

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